Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life. John 12:25

We have heard this a lot of times in the christian circle but what does it actually mean?

The Kingdom of God is an upside down Kingdom, here the last is the first and the first last. It’s in stark contrast with the world. The ideology the world propagates says, ‘You only live once’, ‘enjoy while you’re here’, ‘you only have today’, but when it comes to the kingdom of God the definitions change!

‘You only live once’– So live for Him!

‘Enjoy while you’re here’– Live it to the fullest looking at your creator’s face!

‘you only have today’– So serve well and do everything to honor Him!

The Word of God speaks a profound wisdom, ‘anyone who holds on to life just as it is destroys that life. But if you let it go,…you’ll have it forever, real and eternal.’

We are not the owner of anything here but stewards. Holding onto anything will only bring false pride to our head and teach us to follow wayward ways to keep it. Anything we try to keep in our strength outside the creator is in vain. Whereas real life begins in the secret place of our God.

The life that’s most enjoyable, satisfying, and enriching is in Him and only those who look to him will experience it.

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